Quarterly Review Q4/2022 and auction calendar for first quarter of 2023 published

The State Treasury publishes a quarterly review, which includes information on recent developments in debt management and an outlook for the upcoming quarter, including auction dates.

A quick summary:

– The government’s budget proposal for 2023 includes a net borrowing requirement of EUR 8.4 billion. With redemptions of EUR 28.0 billion, the gross borrowing requirement amounts to EUR 36.4 billion
– Three new euro benchmark bonds can be expected in 2023, out of which the first is likely to take place in Q1
Auction dates for Q1 have been published
– Finland’s GDP is projected to contract by 0.2% in 2023, following an increase of 1.9% in 2022. Inflation will slow and income growth will accelerate in 2023.

For full article, please continue to Quarterly Review Q4/2022 on Publications.

, Updated 22.12.2022 at 10:06