Credit ratings

The government has solicited credit ratings from two credit rating agencies: Fitch Ratings and S&P Global Ratings. For long-term debt, they are AA+ (stable outlook) and AA+ (stable outlook), respectively. In addition, other credit rating agencies provide unsolicited ratings.

Solicited credit ratings for central government debt

Calendar dates for credit rating announcements in 2024:
9 February, 2024 Fitch Ratings
26 April, 2024 S&P Global Ratings
9 August, 2024 Fitch Ratings
25 October, 2024 S&P Global Ratings

The State Treasury will make rating reports available on this page soon after publication. A full analysis by the credit rating agency usually follows in a few weeks after the rating announcement.

Credit rating agency Short-term Long-term Latest reports Press releases
Fitch Ratings F1+ AA+
(stable outlook)
Finland Rating Report (26 February, 2024)

Previous: Finland Rating Report (21 August, 2023)

Fitch affirms Finland at ‘AA+’; Outlook Stable
(9 February, 2024)
S&P Global Ratings A-1+ AA+
(stable outlook)
Ratings Direct Finland (29 April, 2024)

Previous: Research Update Finland (27 October, 2023)

Unsolicited credit ratings for central government debt

Calendar dates for credit rating announcements in 2024:
15 March, 2024 Scope Ratings
22 March, 2024 DBRS Morningstar
25 April, 2024 Japan Credit Rating Agency
14 June, 2024 Creditreform Rating
30 August, 2024 Scope Ratings
20 September, 2024 DBRS Morningstar
13 December, 2024 Creditreform Rating

The State Treasury will make rating reports available on this page soon after publication. A full analysis by the credit rating agency usually follows in a few days after the rating announcement.

Credit rating agency Short-term Long-term Press releases
Creditreform Rating AA+,
stable outlook
Rating Report (14 June, 2024)
DBRS Morningstar R-1 (high), stable trend AA (high), stable trend Morningstar DBRS Confirms Republic of Finland at AA (high), Stable Trend (22 March, 2024)

Rating Report (22 March, 2024)

Japan Credit Rating Agency AAA
(stable outlook)
JCR Affirmed AAA/Stable (FC/LC) on Finland (25 April, 2024)
Scope Ratings S-1+ AA+
(stable outlook)
Scope affirms Finland’s credit rating at AA+ with a Stable outlook (15 March, 2024)

Rating Report (15 March, 2024)


, Updated 18.6.2024 at 09:18