Focus on investor diversity
Operating environment
Sustainability is catching on in central banks
ANNA HYRSKE, Bank of Finland
Finland aims to be climate neutral by 2035. One of the key policies to achieve this target is to halve the emissions from transportation by 2030.
Family leave reform comes into force in Finland in 2022. The reform extends flexibility and choice for families: one of the objectives is to divide family leave and care responsibilities equally between both parents in a family.
Finland’s economy compares well with its international peers on its competitiveness. In 2021, a parliamentary agreement was reached for a national plan to raise Finland's R&D funding to 4% of GDP by 2030.
Holistic approach to sustainability
TIINA HEINILÄ, SIVI PALMÉN, State Treasury Finland
Finland is by many metrics a global forerunner in sustainability.
Finland and ESG
Principles of risk management
Debt management model re-evaluated in the new environment
Key figures